Carlow Historical and Archaeological Society are now accepting papers for inclusion in the next edition of our yearly journal, Carloviana 2024, which will be launched in November 2023. The Society welcomes the submission of original papers for publication from both members and non-members. Papers should be related

CHAS Talk, Weds 15 February 2023. Mapping and Researching the Cillíní (Unconsecrated Children’s Burial Grounds) of Ireland

      Cillíní (unconsecrated children’s burial grounds) were an unfortunate outcome of the Roman Catholic Church’s Counter-Reformation (1545-1648 AD/CE). During the Counter-Reformation, the Church went back to and promoted their older theological teachings, including those of St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD/CE), who had proposed that unbaptised

CHAS Talk, Weds 18 January 2023. Collusion and Discovery in eighteenth-century, Co. Kildare during the Penal Laws

While the Penal Laws ‘are a standard set piece in textbook accounts of the eighteenth century’, it is only relatively recently that Catholics have ‘emerge[d] … not as an amorphous mass of down-trodden victims whose destiny was to endure, but as a group of socially-mobile individuals who struggle[d] … against

Launch of Carloviana 2023

    The launch of Carloviana 2023, the annual journal of the Carlow Archaeological and Historical Society (CHAS), will take place on Thursday next, December 15 in The Talbot Hotel at 8 pm. The journal, published annually since 1947, will be launched by our great friend Sean

CHAS Talk: An Garda Siochana 100 years in Carlow

Paul Curran, Secretary of Carlow Historical and Archaeological Society (CHAS) and a long-serving member of the Emergency Services in Carlow will deliver a presentation on the history of the Garda Siochana in County Carlow over the last one hundred years on the 21st  September 2022 at 8pm in the Seven