On Monday 10th October 2016 Carlow Historical and Archaeological Society launched its upgraded website in Carlow County Museum.
Bertie Watchorn, President of the Society, in his opening comments welcomed the enhanced opportunity to provide information on the Society’s activities. He also highlighted the two most innovative changes to the website. These are free access to all issues of the Society’s Journal, Carloviana, since its first publication in 1947, and the making available of audio recordings of Society lectures on the website.
Acting Carlow County Librarian John Shortall, who launched the site, described it as ‘an online platform for the digital preservation and dissemination of some of our county’s most valuable local studies information’.
CHAS particularly thanks John McDarby and Dermot Mulligan of Carlow County Museum for hosting the launch of the website in the museum, an institution which has long links with the Society.
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