Carloviana 2021 was launched on Thursday 3 December at 8 pm by Malcolm Noonan TD, Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform. Due to current restrictions, the launch took place online.
This year’s edition is over 200 pages long and well-illustrated with both colour and black and white photographs. Contributors range from academics to local historians and while the majority are Carlovians, there are also contributors from Waterford, Wexford, Kildare, Cork; as well as France and Canada.

Viewing the launch
You can view the launch through the links below
John Garahy, author of the article ‘Killed because he was a pal – Death in Borris March 1921’
Aoife Haberlin, author of the article ‘Carlow and the Crusades c. 1095–1291’
Prof. Paul Horan, author of the article ‘The World War I Odyssey of Borris Nurse Hannah Fogarty’
Helen Doyle, author of the article ‘Institutionalising Madness: Carlow District Lunatic Asylum’
Launch of Carloviana 2021 by Malcolm Noonan TD, Minister for Heritage
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