Suffering from cabin fever and fed up of watching box sets? Expand your mind with some online history resources which are available from CHAS on carlowhistorical.com and which might help you to pass the time or even write a paper for Carloviana.
Carloviana – all issues to 2018 are freely available on our website. We had some problems lately but all are now working again.
Lectures – Most CHAS lectures since 2015, the Seamus Murphy Collection of lectures, talks, tours and interviews recorded in the 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s and some other talks are available on our website.
Books – We have uploaded a range of historic books about Carlow and surrounding districts which are out of copyright and freely available.
Podcasts – There are a number of excellent history podcasts available on the internet. Here are some good examples to listen to
Hi guys, taking your advice and looking into my family tree! Looking up irishgenealogy.ie 2 parts of my family come from Carlow, Mullins and Fawcett, the Fawcetts seems to be a bit tragic and a bit more interesting John wife Sarah, Anne Esther(twins),Sidney, Eleanor(my g grandmother).John was butter buyer. Bellrille and Burrin st mentioned, any help welcome, thanks