Since 2006 the society has sponsored an annual primary schools history competition.

The competition is open to all Fifth and Sixth Class pupils who live or attend school in County Carlow. This is a competition for individuals, not groups. Since 2010 we have published the winning entry in Carloviana. The judges are the honorary editor of Carloviana and one other member of the committee of management.

Theme: The history of a person, an event or a place in County Carlow

Format: Project to be presented on a maximum of five A4 sheets, using one side of the paper only. The pupil is free to present the material either in essay form (maximum 1200 words) or in the usual school project form using photographs, drawings, etc. N.B. Each year good projects get disqualified because they exceed the five-page limit.

First Place: one hundred euro
Second Place: fifty euro
Third Place: fifty euro
Good luck everybody!

The pupil’s name should not appear on the project. Each project to be accompanied by a completed Entry Form on which the pupil’s teacher and parent/guardian will have certified that the project is the pupil’s own work. This condition is essential.

Entry form can be downloaded here: History Prize Entry Form

Entries to be sent to: Richard Codd,
Co Carlow. Ph:087 243 7538
Closing date: April 22nd 2016

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